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FHS Logo/Emblem: Warrior Pride Survey Data

March 5, 2024

Dear FHS Community,

On February 14, 2024, the FHS Emblem/Logo Committee shared a five-question Warrior Pride Survey with current FHS students, parents, faculty, coaches, and staff.  The committee designed this survey to gather input from the community on what being a ‘Warrior’ means to members of our community, soliciting ideas for what types of images or text could be included in the new emblem or logo and requesting any other information that would be important as we began our work.  In releasing the survey, the committee sent it directly to FHS students, families, and faculty/coaches/staff and, therefore, did not include a question that asked respondents to identify themselves. However, once we learned that the link to the survey had been posted in multiple online forums, Dr. Donovan added a question to the live form asking respondents to identify their stakeholder group (current FHS student, current FHS parent, faculty/staff/coach, or community member.)

When the survey closed, we had received over 234 unique responses. All responses were anonymous, and because of the functionality of the Microsoft Forms platform, it was possible for respondents to submit multiple submissions. The data was organized for the committee by two different committee members using Microsoft Excel, and each committee member was also given a complete copy of the raw data.  In our February 26, 2024, meeting, the committee reviewed the data for each question together. Each member was asked to identify what themes stood out to them in the data and what keywords or terms we should share with the community about this data from each question.  These themes and keywords were then organized using an empathy map graphic organizer. (This is a commonly used technique in Design Thinking.) In our March 4, 2024, meeting, the committee reviewed the draft FHS Empathy Map document, proposed changes, and approved its release to the community. 

Empathy Map

Empathy Map

It is important to note that the themes, images, and language contained in the Empathy Map do not include the suggestions made by respondents who expressed a desire to maintain or revise our former emblem/logo or suggested something that contained Native American/indigenous people pictures/representations and/or iconography in our new emblem.  This was done because the motion adopted by the School Committee on October 3, 2024, prohibits their use by the school, clubs, teams, activities, or groups.  However, we feel that it is important to share with the community that 107 of the 234 responses to the question “Do you have a suggestion for a type of image or symbol that could be included in the design?” suggested that we retain our previous logo or use an image containing Native American imagery/iconography. Many respondents also expressed their support for the former emblem/logo in their answers to the questions “What is your definition of a Warrior?” and “Is there anything else you would like us to know that would help in beginning this design process?” However, the total number of individuals expressing these views was far less than the approximately 45% who responded in this manner to the question seeking suggestions for a possible new image. 

The FHS Emblem/Logo Committee is very grateful to all who responded to our survey.  We were thrilled with the quality and thoughtfulness of the submissions and feel that the themes and suggestions identified in our analysis of the data are reflective of the feedback and will inspire our artists and designers.  If you are a Foxborough community member who is interested in submitting an idea, please review the linked criteria document and do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Arcacha ([email protected]) or Dr. Donovan ([email protected]) with any questions.


The FHS Emblem/Logo Committee