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Link Crew Orientation Information

Link Crew Orientation, for all incoming 9th grade students and transfer students in grades 10-12, is August 27, 2024, from 8:00 am - 12:30 pm.  All students new to FHS in grades 9-12 are invited to attend. For more specific information about this event, please click on the appropriate version of the letter below. 

Incoming 9th grade students
Incoming students in grade 10 thru 12

Report a Dismissal or Absence

Please call (844) 381-7947 or go to Safe Arrival to report any students absence or dismissal.  We encourage all families to attach any supporting documentation for absence or dismissal (i.e., doctors note, college visit, etc.) in the email as well. 

Late Bus Sign Ups Forms

Foxborough Late Bus: Monday-Thursday
METCO Late Bus: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

bus a   bus b bus c 

  metco late bus